Retro Singers - Memories of Enchanting Times - Wspomnień Czar
  • Date: Saturday, November 16, 2024
  • Time: 7 p.m. for 7:30 p.m. Concert
  • Member Price: £ 15
  • Non-member Price: £ 25
  • Entry price includes concert, wine and cocktail snacks.

Please note this event is entirely in Polish. The Polish Retro Singers are renowned for evoking the golden era of Polish cabaret culture of the 1920s-30s, celebrating stars such as Henryk Wars, Jerzy Petersburski and Marian Hemar. But the group’s repertoire also goes beyond Polish creativity, featuring George Gershwin and Duke Ellington among others. RetroSingers formed 5 years ago and began performing in Ognisko Polskie. The line-up includes Mariola Świetlicka, vocalist and founder; Agnieszka Wasilewska-Korczakowska, vocals and violin; Kris Louis Siemiński, vocals; and Marek Korczakowski, pianist. To heighten the atmosphere, and the experience, attendees are encouraged to dress in a 1920s style. Wine will be served after the concert, when the artists will be mingling and happy to discuss the art of cabaret.

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