OGNISKO POLSKIE - THE POLISH HEARTH is a Members’ Club and an important part of Polish social and cultural life in London. Polish traditions remain at the heart of the Club, as they have been since it was opened in 1939, at the start of World War 2. Founded with the combined initiative of the British and Polish governments, it was inaugurated by HRH The Duke of kent in 1940 and to this day his family continue to support the Club.

It became the hub of Polish social and cultural life, with a good restaurant, meeting rooms, a theatre and a ballroom. It was supported by officers, along with their families and friends together with a prospering theatrical and literary community. Leading figures in Polish cultural society, along with senior military figures were frequently to be seen in the Club. After the War it continued to meet the needs of the Polish community, their friends and supporters, as it still does today.