'Description Found Years Later' is a documentary about the renowned film director Wojciech Jerzy Has, and part of the 23rd KINOTEKA Polish Film Festival in the UK. This documentary is a multi-dimensional exploration of the life and enigma of Wojciech Jerzy Has, a visionary and artistic film director who imbued films with intellectual depth. His work includes The Noose, How to Be Loved and The Hourglass Sanatorium.
The screening will be followed by a Q&A with one of the film’s directors, Slawomir Rogowski, who co-directed with Stanislaw Zawislinski. Released in 2023, this 62 minute film portrays an artist devoted to his craft, who practically lived in the Wrocław film studio and was an eccentric teacher. Surrounded by a loyal circle of outsiders, he was prone to romances and avoided the responsibilities of family life. Interviewees appearing in the documentary include the director’s second wife Jadwiga Has, together with luminaries such as Filip Bajon, Gustaw Holoubek, Andrzej Haliński and Kazimierz Kutz.
KINOTEKA runs from 6 March to 25 April, with a compelling line-up of contemporary and classic Polish films screened in various cinemas. Ognisko Polskie (Polish Hearth) is once again delighted to be a part of this important festival.